Who said these now-famous words? "I didn't know about this until I read it in the paper this morning."
And, who also said, "no one said anything about this to me"?
Could it have been the same person who, on multiple occasions, stated emphatically, "if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. Period!".....?
Yep. Same person. And you know the rest.
If you're a Democrat or a Progressive or any other form that a political liberal can take, the President of the United States, or POTUS for the sake of simplicity here, well, he misspoke, as the New York Times gently put it.
On the other hand, if you are a Republican or a Libertarian or any other form that a political conservative can take, the POTUS lied.
In fact, if you have any moral compass at all, you will likely conclude that the POTUS lied. Period.
In the dictionary, to misspeak is defined as either mispronouncing something (which we're ruling out here) or it is to speak mistakenly, inappropriately, or rashly. In a moment of genuine charity and kindness, we're going to allow here that perhaps the NYT itself misspoke in characterizing the POTUS' repeated lie as simply a mistake.
Now, I was raised in a pretty strict Catholic family, and if you lied - or fibbed - about a non-life threatening event or issue, my parents might be willing to go lightly, depending on the level of your propensity for breaking rules in general. In such a case, your lie would be charitably classified as a mistake.
But, if you lied repeatedly, especially if you lied repeatedly about the same event or issue, you were simply a liar. And liars were punished, sometimes with a whack upside the head, a belt to the butt, being grounded along with a seemingly endless set of additional chores, or something. But the liar was punished; with the bellowing warning, "liars are not tolerated in this house!"
So, here we have a dilemma. We have a liar in the house - in The White House, no less. And it's the POTUS. And the Health Care "Lie of the Year" isn't his first lie. Nor, it is reasonable to suspect, will it be his last.
OK, let's look at this from a completely different angle.
Let's say that when the POTUS claimed that he didn't know anything about Benghazi, or about the infamous Fast and Furious program of US gun-running to the Mexican Cartels, or about the IRS targeting the tax status applications of politically conservative groups, or about the NSA spying on US citizens, or even about how we were caught completely unaware of the unfolding events in The Ukraine. To allow that this Administration, in particular our President, was "unaware" of all of these events, both foreign and domestic, begs the simple question: are they all lying, or are they just stupid?
Asleep at the switch, or fully aware of unfolding events and employing a strategy of denial in hopes that the issue simply disappears? Again, which are we hoping for: stupidity and ignorance, or lying and deception? It's sort of a binary choice. There are only two possibilities, and both (or either) leads instantly to a frightening realization: neither is acceptable, yet nobody is speaking out. Why?
For the Right, is it the fear of attracting the Left's most potent label - Racist! - or for the Left is it the fear of self-doubt - I've lost my faith in this guy. How could I have voted for him?
Ladies and gentlemen, if we are to right the US ship, so to speak, we have the chance in November to take the first step away from the Socialist Path that Obama and his Administration have chosen. Vote your conscience, obviously, but do vote. And clearly, many have a conscious longing for things socialist and no amount of analysis or commentary by people like me will have any sway in your voting decisions. But, for those having sincere doubts about the wisdom of your previous choices in the voting booth, select the candidates that represent your own vision of what this country can and should be - once again.
Let's start with Fiscal Responsibility. That means allowing the private sector to create the jobs that will lure people away from the siren's song of government dependence. It means tax incentives for job creators.
Let's also remember that our position of influence in world affairs begins with our ability to project strength worldwide. That means strengthening our military, not weakening it by diverting appropriations toward ever-expanding social programs. It means maintaining troop strengths at levels that demonstrate our ability and willingness to respond to threats to US interests, and it also means treating our men and women in uniform with fair compensation packages.
Let's reward hard work with something meaningful, like an opportunity to invest without excessive government taxation
Let's get back to being proud to be an American, and believe in our exceptionalism.
That's not flag waving, folks. That's good, old fashion pride.
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